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1 reviews
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Kufar is Belarus's premier online marketplace, revolutionizing the way individuals and businesses buy and sell a wide range of products and services. With a robust community of over 1.6 million users posting around 60,000 ads daily, this platform is your go-to destination for discovering great deals, from personal and household items to real estate and vehicles.

Navigating through the app is a breeze, thanks to its user-friendly search functionality. Shoppers are poised to find exactly what they're after, whether it's hunting for bargains, seeking out promotions, or exploring discounts. With the convenience of delivery options and installment purchasing through the Halva card, the marketplace ensures a seamless shopping experience.

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For tech enthusiasts, a vast selection of electronics is available, including phones, audio equipment, and computers. There's even a 'for free' filter, uncovering incredible free finds for those quick to act.

Those in the real estate market will find it indispensable, whether they're renting in Minsk or purchasing property across Belarus. The website simplifies finding the perfect residential or vacation property, all mapped out for easy browsing.

Car sellers and buyers alike benefit from the efficient automotive section, with a typical sale taking just 14 days. Plus, there are spare parts, motorcycles, and trucks, making it a comprehensive hub for all vehicular needs.

Fashion finds are plentiful here, with a vast array of clothing and footwear options at unbeatable prices. Easy selling processes and delivery options make wardrobe updates a hassle-free experience.

Parents will adore the dedicated section for moms and children, where everything from baby clothes to educational toys is available at a discount, along with other must-have items for growing families.

Finally, job seekers can tap into local opportunities in various industries, with job listings offering a wealth of positions across Belarus, accommodating both local and remote work preferences.

The marketplace is committed to customer satisfaction and welcomes feedback to enhance its service. With its impressive assortment of categories and emphasis on user convenience, it stands out as a versatile and capable marketplace that meets the diverse needs of its extensive user base.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Kufar.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about Kufar v3.53.0

Package Name se.scmv.belarus
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Shopping
Language English
1 more
Author Kufar
Downloads 161,318
Date Sep 1, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

xapk v3.49.0 Android + 5.0 Aug 2, 2024
xapk v3.48.1 Android + 5.0 Jul 25, 2024
apk v3.46.1 Android + 5.0 Jul 5, 2024
apk v3.45.0 Android + 5.0 Jul 1, 2024
apk v3.44.2 Android + 5.0 Jun 21, 2024
apk v3.43.1 Android + 5.0 Jun 14, 2024

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